MINI-ME - Mechanical

RobotX > MINI-ME - Mechanical

As a rookie RobotX team we were significantly unfamiliar with the dynamics of a water based USV, especially something as large as the WAM-V. Similar to our progression in Robosub, before even getting our competition vehicle we made a smaller prototype, in this case a fishing raft, aptly named “Mini-Me”. The Mini-Me was configured with four vectored T200 thrusters mounted using an 8/20 T-Slotted profile frame. The thruster configuration took heavy inspiration from our experience in Robosub and so did our electronics and control system. 

Our boat frame interfaced with an Achilles LEX-96 inflatable catamaran, and included places to attach sensor and radio masts, as well as retractable arms for BlueRobotics T200 thrusters arranged in holonomic drive.

Prototype Boat

Prototype Boat