RoboBoat 2025

With our second generation team taking lessons from RoboSub 2024 and RobotX 2024, we hope to push our performance to new heights at Nathan Benderson Park (Sarasota, FL) from March 4th - 9th, 2025 in our second RoboBoat competition year using our Autonomous Surface Vessel (ASV), Barco Polo.

Competition Strategy

Team Inspiration’s RoboBoat team consists of 4 core team members and 10 supporting members, with a team range from 8th grade to college senior. For the first time in our team’s history, our software team was based on the West Coast of Florida — this, combined with limited manpower, led us to focus on augmenting our existing ASV, Barco Polo, instead of building a new ASV, despite the considerable technical difficulties encountered during the 2024 season. Mitigation of technical difficulties inherited from last year revolved around the electrical system — we worked hard to modify our electrical box, changing out faulty regulators, improving device placement, and increasing the workmanship quality overall.

We planned to begin the process of building a robust system that would have the capabilities to attempt all six missions, designing a custom water gun and racquetball launcher to complete the Rescue Deliveries task. We additionally completely overhauled our software architecture combining the modularity and perception of our RoboSub 2023/24 architecture with the localization capabilities developed for our RobotX 2024 system, using a rudimentary simultaneous mapping and localization (SLAM) system for the first time.

top view competition strategy

Barco Polo - ASV

barco polo diagram


20.4 kg

Degrees of Freedom

3 (Surge, Sway, Yaw)

Power System

14.8V, 15.6Ah Li-Ion battery (x1)

Perception Sensors

Oak–D LR W PoE camera for stereo vision and object detection (x1)

Wireless Communications

5.8GHz Ubiquiti Bullet AC IP67 (x2) 

915 Mhz Telemetry




1 m x 0.6 m x 0.9 m


Full Throttle –  estimated 20 min runtime

Normal Usage –   estimated 45 min runtime

Main Processor

Nvidia Jetson Xavier NX

Propulsion System

T200 thrusters (x4)

Navigation System

Centimeter Precision GPS RTK

Dual Antenna GPS Heading

Adafruit BNO085 IMU

Software Architecture

Linux-based (Ubuntu 22.04)

Python, C++, Bash


Water Pump

Racquet Ball Launcher